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Forsythia Farm is a

Who are we, and why do we have this website?

My husband and I recently found ourselves at a point where it didn't matter where we lived.  The kids were just about through high school, retirement accounts were funded, and we had no reason to stay in an expensive part of the country, nearly two thousand miles away from most of our family.

So we decided to sell our over-priced house in a San Francisco Bay Area bedroom community, transfer our youngest child out of her ultra-competitive high school, and return to the Midwest, specifically, to my hometown in southwestern Indiana.  We bought a 12-acre lot, already furnished with a 1961 limestone ranch house, an aging steel barn with a leaky sagging roof, a mature orchard of a few hundred unkempt fruit trees, and a not-recently-tilled 45x70-foot garden plot.

Tom grew up on a Missouri farm, and, although his family did not handle the crops or livestock personally, he had opportunities to experience farming through 4-H projects and bucking hay.  I grew up in suburban neighborhoods, and have always had dreams of growing a huge vegetable garden and spinning my own yarn.  But we've never been farmers.


I set up this website to document our efforts, share our story with family, friends, and acquaintances, and--eventually--connect with customers, once we've produced anything to sell.  I don't know where our farming adventure will go--alpacas? rabbits? chickens? roadside produce stand? farm market? bees?  sheep?  pies?--but I know it will be exciting.  Come join us on our journey.

--Carol Ahmann

July 2016

What is Forsythia Farm?

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